Upcoming Events + Workshops

Healing Anxiety Workshop

A 6-week journey designed to transform your relationship with your anxiety and live the life you’ve always wanted — free from overwhelm, overthinking, and perfectionism.

"Working with Patrick in his Healing Anxiety Workshop has been transformational and changed my life.

His expertise in somatic breath techniques and practices of self-love have uplifted me to break free of the conditioned patterns that hold me back from reaching the vision of myself that I hope to achieve. As a result, I have been able to spread my newly learned gifts to others, and that has been a beautiful and unintended benefit of the workshop. I am so grateful and blessed to have met Patrick, and I recommend anyone looking to achieve their greatest potential to learn and grow with him!”


Cliffs with a waterfall flowing over them and moss on the rocks beneath

Burnt Expectations

Burnt Expectations

Are you tired of carrying the weight of all of the expectations placed upon you?

Your job, your parents, your friends, and so many others want so much from you. But what do you really want?

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